Monday, August 17, 2009


Todays comic will be delayed a day or two due to Kyle being abducted by alien art stars.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ballad of GI Joe

This is to go along with Jeremy's GI Joe review. I haven't seen the movie yet but I have seen the Ballad of GI Joe! Have you ever asked your self "what do they do when they go home at the end of the day?" Well this provides you with that answer. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Warehouse 13

So I have been laid up since last Thursday due to surgery on my ass. I had a pilonidal cyst which if infected can cause staph infections so it had to come out. They originally thought it was on my tailbone but turns out it went from my tailbone to my anus. So instead of chopping my anus and making me poop in a bag they left about 50% of it in hoping the fun meds they gave me will kill the rest of it off. So now I have 10 stitches in my ass that have to come back out next week. The worst part is that it is caused by a stupid ingrown hair. That's it. How r-tarded is that.

The reason why I told you all that is because I finally had some time to go through my DVR and catch up on some stuff. I caught the pilot episode of Warehouse 13 on the Sci-Fi channel. I refuse to call it SyFy cause I think that is more pointless then a prude hooker.

I really enjoyed the first episode. It is a bit slow but then again it is only the pilot. I have to catch up on the rest of the episodes but from what I hear it gets better. Basically take the concept of the warehouse that the Arc from Indiana Jones is hidden in and create a show around it. There is a group of people in charge of finding mysterious and powerful objects in the world and store them safely in the warehouse.

I really like the concept, it's Indiana Jones, meets History Channel, meets X-Files. The casting is pretty good, could be a little better. The warehouse keeper is the best casting with his split personalities of silliness and seriousness. Still haven't decided if he is a bit psychotic or not.

Overall I say give it a try. The pilot is 2 hours and a bit slow but lots of potential for a Sci-Fi show. Give it until at least the third episode before making your final decision.

Oh and by the way enjoy the new comic!