Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So I am back from camping for the past week on vacation and I had the chance to sit down and play some games on my new iPhone. Granted I only downloaded lite versions of everything because I am too damn cheap to pay but I got to play non the less. The reviews are as follows, mega man 2, metal gear touch, assasins creed, force unleashed, resident evil, and iron man.

First up is mega man 2. Nothing like some old school mega man to get your blood pumping. When I say blood pumping it is in hatred of the difficulty of the game. I have never been good at the mega man games especially the older ones. I am not saying they are bad games in fact I love mega man I just suck at them. The port over to the iPhone doesn't disapoint. They game is as good as I remeber the only thing that bothers me is that the A and B buttons are a bit too close together even for my girlishly small fingers. Other then that the touch joy stick works great! Any fan of mega man should pick this up for their iPhone. I am even tempted to pay for the full version.

Now for the game I was most excited about, Metal Gear Solid touch. I am a big fan of this franchise so I was very eager to so how the port to the iPhone came out. Over all I have mixed reactions. The shooting and aiming controls are phenomenal. They are so fluid and so easy to use. Even the zooming in for your scope is as easy as can be. Very nice job on this. The game play however is where the game falls flat. Area 51 was a kick ass game in the 90's. Almost 20 years later I just can't get excited about games where your character stands in one spot and shoots. Thats what Metal Gear does. You stand and duck. That's your movement, basically a shooting gallery. It is too bad too with such good aiming and shooting controls. I hope the next one incorporates movement. Resident evil lets you walk around so it can be done.

Wow this post is getting a bit long. I think I will save the other reviews for a little later. If any of you out there have iPhones or iPod touches and have a good app to recommend send it over to me at