Monday, July 20, 2009

Bubble Boy meets the Sand People

So as I was snooping around the interweb making fun of my sister for finally making it to the facebook world and I stumbled across an article over at Entertainment Tonight with a photo of Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince Dastan in the upcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie.

I played the Sands of Time and absolutely loved it. Great game even for the Gamecube. Nothing against the Gamecube, I loved that too, but we all know it was weak in the graphics much like the Wii. So why not make a movie out of it.

I like Jake Gykkenhaal, I am a big fan of Bubble Boy, Jarhead, and especially Donnie Darko (a must see). So as an actor I really like him. Never seen him in an action flick but I will give him a try. Never thought Michael Keaton could play in an action flick but he proved everyone wrong.

So hey this could be a good action movie. Not many game based movies have come out well... well has there been any good movies based on video games? Double Dragons...NO, Super Mario Bros...NO, Street Fight... NO. I can't think of one, if you can let me know. But that is not what is really making me struggle with the thought of this movie. One name makes me cringe.

Jerry Bruckheimer

In my opinion he does not have a very could track record for movies that I am a fan of. Must I remind you of Kangaroo Jack and Dangerous Minds? Granted I will give him credit for Beverly Hills Cop and Top Gun, yes I liked Top Gun, and Days of Thunder. But the past 15 years are not so good. Oh I almost forgot The Rock, that was a good flick.

So we will wait and see and hopefully it will be a good flick for at least a BlueRay rental on Netflix.


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