Monday, June 29, 2009


Yes I am still alive. Haven't been blogging much I know but I hope to change that. The new Ghost Busters inspired comic is up. I will let Jeremy go into more detail about it since he has the new video game. I on the other hand would like to talk about none other then Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I just happened to go see it over the weekend. Of course I now have an addiction to IMAX so I cannot go see a movie without seeing it in IMAX. Now for all of you who have NOT seen it I suggest you stop reading now. I am going to spoil the snot out of it. The good guys win! Ok that is not a spoiler but what is to follow is so heed this warning...

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SO it took me a full day to really decide if I liked it or not. Granted I am a big Trans fan so I analyzed the shit out of it while watching it. Granted a day after mulling it over I have decided I loved it. We all know from the commercials that Megatron comes back. Not only does he come back but he is badder then ever. Granted it was a surprise to find out that he takes orders from the Fallen, one of the original transformers that turns out to be the original decepticon. He follows orders but doesn't hesitate to push bots around when away from the Fallen. He also doesn't hesitate to let Prime kick the bolts out of the Fallen. The story played out well picking up two years after where we left off in the first movie. New autobots have come to earth to help prime and the others hunt down the remaining decepticons only to find out that the fallen has a plan to destroy the earths sun with a weapon that was planted on earth during the beginning of man. Not a bad story line. it works for this reincarnation of the transformers story. There are other things added to the mix such as two pieces of the allspark remaining and the autobot matrix of leadership. So now it's a battle to stop the fallen from destroying the earths sun. Not an east task to do when the autobots are greatly out numbered and the american government is trying to shut down the partnership and send the autobots back into space.

What I like:
The new bots are great! Although not much detail about them they are bad ass looking and have some great battle scenes. Speaking of which the battle scenes are 10 times better in this movie. The first movie the camera was up close and you couldn't really tell what was going on. In ROTF the camera is set back and you can see everything from Prime breaking Megatrons arm and using it to shoot Megs in the face with his own cannon to Megs killing Prime. Thats right folks Prime dies! Nice tribute to the original animated movie. There were a lot of little winks to the fans showing glimpses of other transformers series in the movie. One of the kitchen appliances that is transformed looks identical to a sharkticon which I loved. Also there is a pretender in this movie which was a transformers series that has been long forgotten. Nice touch. My favorite thing over all is that the made Prime a badass! I mean kick they shit out of a giant decepticreep and then shoot them in the head almost execution style! The way it should be. If transformers were real this is how it would roll.

What I didn't like:
There was no real character development for the new bots. In fact you only see one of them for a total of 5 seconds for the whole movie. Wish they did more with all the new bots. The twins were heavily used in the flick which I did enjoy because it was a play on the G1 Sunstreaker and Sideswipe but they failed with the rest. The ending battle was way to f'ing long with a very short climax. Granted the climax rocked with Megs and Starscream running like cowards but it was just too short with the time spent on the ending battle.

Other than that the movie rocked and yes Megan Fox was hot as hell. Yummy Yummy. The battles were phenomenal and I was pleased with the story. Granted it had two traditional Michael Bay shots it didn't feel like a Michael Bay movie. It did have an AI feeling for about 5 seconds but that was over quickly. The CGI was so great that they burnt up three sets of servers rendering it and I mean smoke filled rooms.

I want to know what you thought of the movie. Let me know by commenting to this thread or by emailing me at


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