Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Project Natal

Well it looks like Microsoft has upped the ante at the 2009 E3. They have confirmed the rumors of motion activated game play with Project Natal. First instinct you think something like the Wii. Well not exactly. They are borrowing from the Sony Eye concept and creating a motion sensitive camera. So no controller what so ever. The video below is from E3 three. Looks good from the video but we will never know until it actually comes out. However if it works as it does in the video then this will be a big advance in gaming technology. Full body motion capture could lead into so many possibilities. Lets just hope that it works well. You will see in the video thing like skateboarding, soccer, and even voice recognition games. It makes me quite excited to see this and thinking of the possibilities. I suck at talking so why don't I just let the video talk for itself.

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