Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rumor Mill

So with the countdown of 11 days until the release of Transformer: Revenge of The Fallen the rumor mill are already buzzing about the third movie. Now granted this is all rumor since nothing is green lit for the third movie yet, but in a recent interview with Megan Fox (yummy) and Shia Labeouf they were asked about the possibilities of Galvatron and the Dinobots in the third movie. Now if any of this came true that would be delightful since the Dinobots are definitely a fan favorite and Galvatron could be if they followed along the story line of him being a demented psychotic recreation of Megatron. Neither Fox or Labeouf denied the chances of these but yet they are just the actors and really would have no idea about any type of story line for the third. However just the though makes me giddy like a school girl.

Now the only downside to hearing these questions asked is that it could mean a potential spoiler to the second movie. You see Galvatron is actually a re-carnation of Megatron in the original Transformers Animated Movie. So this could mean Megs gets his ass kicked royally in this sequel leading to the third. But as I said before this is all in the rumor mill and could mean absolutely nothing. In fact people originally thought Galvatron would be in the sequel. So anyway the weekend the movie opens the wife and I and some friends will be making the 45 minute trip to Albany to see it in the IMAX. That reminds me I need to go to Fandango and get my tickets which are already on sale. Hope you all go and please let us know what you thought of the movie. In fact if we get some well written reviews and a picture of yourself we will sketch your character and post your review here on the site! Just email it to

I know I haven't blogged in a while and that is just because I couldn't think about anything to write about after E3 came and went. We have still been working though. We have recorded a podcast and I hope to have it posted by the end of this weekend. The site redesign should be soon since I will be laid up from an operation for a few days so that should give me a good chance to code that puppy. So keep checking out the site and the conclusion of Action Abe will be coming this Monday!


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