Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Has it been that long?

So I have found a good example of why we are so excited that we have finally launched Backspace. I was looking through picture files on my computer for something unrelated and I stumbled across a random image. When I say random I mean Star Wars Trivial Pursuit what was the name of the actor who played the storm trooper standing next to the third Ewok from the left random question random. The picture is of the original character designs for Jeremy Kyle and I. I looked at the date in question of when this image was created and it is dated 4/30/07 which means we have been working on this for over two years that we have a record of. The process actually started long before then but so far this is the only documentation. So here is a glimpse of what the original characters looked like.

As you can see there has been some modifications to the characters. I got fatter, Kyle got glasses and darker hair, and Jeremy no longer has a porcupine head. Overall I think there were some good improvements. Got to say great work by Kyle with the illustrations of the characters. Well I will shove off for now, is everyone in suspense for the next comic episode due next Tuesday? I hope so! Leave us some comments either on here or by contacting us via the contact page. We also have a Facebook page that you can see here.


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