Saturday, May 16, 2009

No Spoilers

Well I just got back from Albany where the wifey and I went to the IMAX theater to see the new Star Trek Movie. First of all I want to say that I am fan but I wouldn't go as far as saying I am a Treker. For any of you who are Trekers you have to at least give me credit for calling you by the proper name. I am been reprimanded in the past for calling die hard fans Trekies where in fact I was told the proper term is Treker. Over all I am a casual fan, nothing like my infatuation for Transformers but a fan none the less. We will talk Transformers another time.

The wifey gave it two thumbs up. She has seen a few of the older movies in the past but really has no knowledge of the story. So they made the movie so anyone can enjoy it. Not only that but they made it very acceptable for those who do know the story. Don't worry I am not going to give anything away. I really just want to say that I went into the movie and witnessed a story line not expected at all that made the film great! You will be surprised... good surprised. Not to mention that the casting couldn't have been better.I could watch another 5 movies with this cast. Plus the special effects were phenomenal!

Speaking of special effects a movie like this needs to be seen in IMAX. I haven't seen a movie in IMAX since Matrix Reloaded and there has been some vast improvements. Put it this way, digital picture and sound on a screen that has more square footage then my house and thats a fact. If you have one near you should really go. There is a price mark up but it was well worth it.

After the movie we went and visited the apple store. You will soon learn that I am a big Apple fanatic. in fact I am waiting for my current contract to end so I can get an iPhone unless rumors are true and the iPhone is coming to Verizon. Back to the apple store, I went around to every computer and iPhone and put Backspace up for people to view. I know shameless marketing but we need to get the word out. Here is a cell pic from an iphone with episode 2 on it.

Well thats all for now, gotta go crash for the evening but before I go I just wanted to say that the t-shirt that my character wears (which you will see in episode 7) is in the store now. By the way the link that says "MERCH" stands for merchandise. Go check it out.

"Captain, I'm giving you all she's got!"

Ha! I bet you thought I was going to say live long and prosper. Well technically I just did but you know what I mean.



  1. heh heh, classy move in the Apple store. Did you default all their home pages to ours? Maybe someone in the apple store is reading this right now. If so, can i just say you should put some sort of warning up that people shouldn't install Vista to bootcamp- it's been turning my macbook pro into a hotplate when i'm in bootcamp. Back to XP i go... again...
