Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More Than Meets The Eye

Well it is destined to happen so why not now. Hi, my name is Casey and I am a transformers fan. When I say fan I mean I own all the original 1980's episodes on DVD, a toy collection of about 70 figures (still growing), and if I had my way about it I would have transformers bed sheets. So you can imagine how excited I was when the first live action movie was released. Now some trans fans will say I am not a fan if I liked the movie. Well they can all go suck an egg cause I loved it. Granted it's no original Generation 1 story or characters but so what. They created a new series like many others have done with cartoon series. I went into the theater expecting nothing and came out very pleased.

The reason why I bring this up is because all the tv spots have been coming out and I have found them online as well and decided to share.

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen "It's On.." from Bay Films/Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.

These are the three most recent TV spots. I hope you enjoy, I know I did. Transform and roll out!

On a side note we are interested to know what you think about the site so far. Send us an email through the contact page and let us know what you like about Backspace. As mentioned by Jeremy before, we are planning a contest with a fun prize so keep checking back. We will make an announcement when the contest begins.


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