Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What A Treat... What A Tasty Little Treat

We have a treat for you all. We know that a week in between episodes is very long especially when you are still figuring out the story line. So in order to keep everyone from bringing out the torches and pitch forks we have created Backspace Singularities!

Basically it is a short "funny pages" like comic strip aside from the main volume currently going on. You can find these on the comics page under the Volume One comics. The first singularity is in response to the newly released Punch Out for the Wii. I am sure Jeremy will talk more about this later since he is the NES Punch Out freak.

Speaking of new games based on the classics, I want to mention that the Capcom classic Bionic Commando has been updated and is out in the public. Hopefully one of these days I will be able to check it out and let you know how it is. All this talk about games is getting me pumped up for game night tonight! Will it be NHL '09 tonight? Or maybe Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Maybe even Left 4 Dead. Oh the possibilities!


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