Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bad Monkey

So I have been a very neglectful monkey lately to the boggity blog but I doubt anyone is paying attention anyway. Here is the scoop:

Incase you have noticed there was no comic this week. Kyle's internet crapped out and is still not online yet. He has something crazy where I think his whole building shares one feed and the whole building went out. so we plan on having a fresh comic for you next week.

So in the mean time I found a great Mac geek article discussing how the "i" (iMac, iPod. iPhone) came about in apple marketing and what it is like to work for Steve Jobs. Incase you haven't noticed I am a Mac fanboy. Anyway check out the article and enjoy.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Star Wars Uncut

Hey folks I just saw this over at Slashdot and I think it is a hella of a good idea. The project is called "Star Wars Uncut" Instead of me trying to explain it check out the quote I pulled below.

"Star Wars Uncut has taken a novel approach to remaking Star Wars IV: A New Hope. You merely sign up for a 15 second clip, film it and submit it. The trailer is now complete and I will suspect you might enjoy the high quality (and low quality) of some of the already accepted scenes. 251 scenes remain in need of claiming with 688 claimed and 291 finished. Do your part to remake one of the greatest movies by filming fifteen seconds of yourself and your friends!"

This is a must for any Star Wars fan. I know if Jeremy, Kyle and I lived closer to each other we would do this since we already have experience in making STar Wars Spoofs in Friday Night Live. If you do this let us know, we would like to post it here on Backspace as well.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So I am back from camping for the past week on vacation and I had the chance to sit down and play some games on my new iPhone. Granted I only downloaded lite versions of everything because I am too damn cheap to pay but I got to play non the less. The reviews are as follows, mega man 2, metal gear touch, assasins creed, force unleashed, resident evil, and iron man.

First up is mega man 2. Nothing like some old school mega man to get your blood pumping. When I say blood pumping it is in hatred of the difficulty of the game. I have never been good at the mega man games especially the older ones. I am not saying they are bad games in fact I love mega man I just suck at them. The port over to the iPhone doesn't disapoint. They game is as good as I remeber the only thing that bothers me is that the A and B buttons are a bit too close together even for my girlishly small fingers. Other then that the touch joy stick works great! Any fan of mega man should pick this up for their iPhone. I am even tempted to pay for the full version.

Now for the game I was most excited about, Metal Gear Solid touch. I am a big fan of this franchise so I was very eager to so how the port to the iPhone came out. Over all I have mixed reactions. The shooting and aiming controls are phenomenal. They are so fluid and so easy to use. Even the zooming in for your scope is as easy as can be. Very nice job on this. The game play however is where the game falls flat. Area 51 was a kick ass game in the 90's. Almost 20 years later I just can't get excited about games where your character stands in one spot and shoots. Thats what Metal Gear does. You stand and duck. That's your movement, basically a shooting gallery. It is too bad too with such good aiming and shooting controls. I hope the next one incorporates movement. Resident evil lets you walk around so it can be done.

Wow this post is getting a bit long. I think I will save the other reviews for a little later. If any of you out there have iPhones or iPod touches and have a good app to recommend send it over to me at

Monday, August 17, 2009


Todays comic will be delayed a day or two due to Kyle being abducted by alien art stars.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ballad of GI Joe

This is to go along with Jeremy's GI Joe review. I haven't seen the movie yet but I have seen the Ballad of GI Joe! Have you ever asked your self "what do they do when they go home at the end of the day?" Well this provides you with that answer. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Warehouse 13

So I have been laid up since last Thursday due to surgery on my ass. I had a pilonidal cyst which if infected can cause staph infections so it had to come out. They originally thought it was on my tailbone but turns out it went from my tailbone to my anus. So instead of chopping my anus and making me poop in a bag they left about 50% of it in hoping the fun meds they gave me will kill the rest of it off. So now I have 10 stitches in my ass that have to come back out next week. The worst part is that it is caused by a stupid ingrown hair. That's it. How r-tarded is that.

The reason why I told you all that is because I finally had some time to go through my DVR and catch up on some stuff. I caught the pilot episode of Warehouse 13 on the Sci-Fi channel. I refuse to call it SyFy cause I think that is more pointless then a prude hooker.

I really enjoyed the first episode. It is a bit slow but then again it is only the pilot. I have to catch up on the rest of the episodes but from what I hear it gets better. Basically take the concept of the warehouse that the Arc from Indiana Jones is hidden in and create a show around it. There is a group of people in charge of finding mysterious and powerful objects in the world and store them safely in the warehouse.

I really like the concept, it's Indiana Jones, meets History Channel, meets X-Files. The casting is pretty good, could be a little better. The warehouse keeper is the best casting with his split personalities of silliness and seriousness. Still haven't decided if he is a bit psychotic or not.

Overall I say give it a try. The pilot is 2 hours and a bit slow but lots of potential for a Sci-Fi show. Give it until at least the third episode before making your final decision.

Oh and by the way enjoy the new comic!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bubble Boy meets the Sand People

So as I was snooping around the interweb making fun of my sister for finally making it to the facebook world and I stumbled across an article over at Entertainment Tonight with a photo of Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince Dastan in the upcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie.

I played the Sands of Time and absolutely loved it. Great game even for the Gamecube. Nothing against the Gamecube, I loved that too, but we all know it was weak in the graphics much like the Wii. So why not make a movie out of it.

I like Jake Gykkenhaal, I am a big fan of Bubble Boy, Jarhead, and especially Donnie Darko (a must see). So as an actor I really like him. Never seen him in an action flick but I will give him a try. Never thought Michael Keaton could play in an action flick but he proved everyone wrong.

So hey this could be a good action movie. Not many game based movies have come out well... well has there been any good movies based on video games? Double Dragons...NO, Super Mario Bros...NO, Street Fight... NO. I can't think of one, if you can let me know. But that is not what is really making me struggle with the thought of this movie. One name makes me cringe.

Jerry Bruckheimer

In my opinion he does not have a very could track record for movies that I am a fan of. Must I remind you of Kangaroo Jack and Dangerous Minds? Granted I will give him credit for Beverly Hills Cop and Top Gun, yes I liked Top Gun, and Days of Thunder. But the past 15 years are not so good. Oh I almost forgot The Rock, that was a good flick.

So we will wait and see and hopefully it will be a good flick for at least a BlueRay rental on Netflix.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sparkle Sparkle

The new comic for this week is up and the story line is long overdue. This was actually Kyle's idea after he watched the movie Twilight. He told us his idea which led to me watching it and then Jeremy so we could enjoy just what it was he was making fun of. So if you have not seen it I suggest you do just for this scene that we reference.

Who is Kyle you ask? Oh yeah he is our illustrator who has only posted once. I will get him to post some more here
soon. You will be hearing from him soon however since we will be recording a podcast tonight and it should be posted within the next couple of days.

On a side not once again our friend Brian has sent in a very entertaining image. This is true dedication folks. I love it!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Part Of A Balanced Breakfast

Our good friend Brian sent us an image based on the Hysterio's strip that went up this week. I thought it was a fun image so I though I would share it with all.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tonight's Top Ten

As usual I was cruising around reading all sorts of transformers goodies and found out that Optimus Prime was on the David Letterman show! Not only was he on the show but he was reading the Top Ten Things That Sound Really Cool When Spoken By A Giant Robot. Pretty entertaining, and Michael Bay said Paramount and Dreamworks were not doing enough promotion for ROTF. Anyway below is the YouTube video of the David Letterman Show.

Friday, July 3, 2009


So I just wanted to throw this up quickly and let everyone else see the greatest movie trailer of all times. I found it on Rotten Tomatoes and was instantly addicted. So without further a due I present the trailer for RoboGeisha!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Yes I am still alive. Haven't been blogging much I know but I hope to change that. The new Ghost Busters inspired comic is up. I will let Jeremy go into more detail about it since he has the new video game. I on the other hand would like to talk about none other then Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I just happened to go see it over the weekend. Of course I now have an addiction to IMAX so I cannot go see a movie without seeing it in IMAX. Now for all of you who have NOT seen it I suggest you stop reading now. I am going to spoil the snot out of it. The good guys win! Ok that is not a spoiler but what is to follow is so heed this warning...

Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler ...

SO it took me a full day to really decide if I liked it or not. Granted I am a big Trans fan so I analyzed the shit out of it while watching it. Granted a day after mulling it over I have decided I loved it. We all know from the commercials that Megatron comes back. Not only does he come back but he is badder then ever. Granted it was a surprise to find out that he takes orders from the Fallen, one of the original transformers that turns out to be the original decepticon. He follows orders but doesn't hesitate to push bots around when away from the Fallen. He also doesn't hesitate to let Prime kick the bolts out of the Fallen. The story played out well picking up two years after where we left off in the first movie. New autobots have come to earth to help prime and the others hunt down the remaining decepticons only to find out that the fallen has a plan to destroy the earths sun with a weapon that was planted on earth during the beginning of man. Not a bad story line. it works for this reincarnation of the transformers story. There are other things added to the mix such as two pieces of the allspark remaining and the autobot matrix of leadership. So now it's a battle to stop the fallen from destroying the earths sun. Not an east task to do when the autobots are greatly out numbered and the american government is trying to shut down the partnership and send the autobots back into space.

What I like:
The new bots are great! Although not much detail about them they are bad ass looking and have some great battle scenes. Speaking of which the battle scenes are 10 times better in this movie. The first movie the camera was up close and you couldn't really tell what was going on. In ROTF the camera is set back and you can see everything from Prime breaking Megatrons arm and using it to shoot Megs in the face with his own cannon to Megs killing Prime. Thats right folks Prime dies! Nice tribute to the original animated movie. There were a lot of little winks to the fans showing glimpses of other transformers series in the movie. One of the kitchen appliances that is transformed looks identical to a sharkticon which I loved. Also there is a pretender in this movie which was a transformers series that has been long forgotten. Nice touch. My favorite thing over all is that the made Prime a badass! I mean kick they shit out of a giant decepticreep and then shoot them in the head almost execution style! The way it should be. If transformers were real this is how it would roll.

What I didn't like:
There was no real character development for the new bots. In fact you only see one of them for a total of 5 seconds for the whole movie. Wish they did more with all the new bots. The twins were heavily used in the flick which I did enjoy because it was a play on the G1 Sunstreaker and Sideswipe but they failed with the rest. The ending battle was way to f'ing long with a very short climax. Granted the climax rocked with Megs and Starscream running like cowards but it was just too short with the time spent on the ending battle.

Other than that the movie rocked and yes Megan Fox was hot as hell. Yummy Yummy. The battles were phenomenal and I was pleased with the story. Granted it had two traditional Michael Bay shots it didn't feel like a Michael Bay movie. It did have an AI feeling for about 5 seconds but that was over quickly. The CGI was so great that they burnt up three sets of servers rendering it and I mean smoke filled rooms.

I want to know what you thought of the movie. Let me know by commenting to this thread or by emailing me at


Friday, June 19, 2009

We Are Autobots

Continuing with the hype of the upcoming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen movie I have been overloading my computer with transformer goodies and websites. I was strolling along the cybertronian information super highway of TFW2005 and stumbled across a YouTube video where you can put Optimus Prime's head on your own. I thought it was a fun little video. Not the most exciting in the world or anything but fun for a trans fan none the less. Go to the website at the end of the video and you can do it your self! Check it out.

Monday, June 15, 2009


A couple of quick updates, our first podcast is up and you can listen to it just by going to the podcast page. I plan on getting them up on iTunes later today or tomorrow.

Also episode 7 is up. It is the conclusion, but not the end, of Action Abe.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rumor Mill

So with the countdown of 11 days until the release of Transformer: Revenge of The Fallen the rumor mill are already buzzing about the third movie. Now granted this is all rumor since nothing is green lit for the third movie yet, but in a recent interview with Megan Fox (yummy) and Shia Labeouf they were asked about the possibilities of Galvatron and the Dinobots in the third movie. Now if any of this came true that would be delightful since the Dinobots are definitely a fan favorite and Galvatron could be if they followed along the story line of him being a demented psychotic recreation of Megatron. Neither Fox or Labeouf denied the chances of these but yet they are just the actors and really would have no idea about any type of story line for the third. However just the though makes me giddy like a school girl.

Now the only downside to hearing these questions asked is that it could mean a potential spoiler to the second movie. You see Galvatron is actually a re-carnation of Megatron in the original Transformers Animated Movie. So this could mean Megs gets his ass kicked royally in this sequel leading to the third. But as I said before this is all in the rumor mill and could mean absolutely nothing. In fact people originally thought Galvatron would be in the sequel. So anyway the weekend the movie opens the wife and I and some friends will be making the 45 minute trip to Albany to see it in the IMAX. That reminds me I need to go to Fandango and get my tickets which are already on sale. Hope you all go and please let us know what you thought of the movie. In fact if we get some well written reviews and a picture of yourself we will sketch your character and post your review here on the site! Just email it to

I know I haven't blogged in a while and that is just because I couldn't think about anything to write about after E3 came and went. We have still been working though. We have recorded a podcast and I hope to have it posted by the end of this weekend. The site redesign should be soon since I will be laid up from an operation for a few days so that should give me a good chance to code that puppy. So keep checking out the site and the conclusion of Action Abe will be coming this Monday!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Project Natal

Well it looks like Microsoft has upped the ante at the 2009 E3. They have confirmed the rumors of motion activated game play with Project Natal. First instinct you think something like the Wii. Well not exactly. They are borrowing from the Sony Eye concept and creating a motion sensitive camera. So no controller what so ever. The video below is from E3 three. Looks good from the video but we will never know until it actually comes out. However if it works as it does in the video then this will be a big advance in gaming technology. Full body motion capture could lead into so many possibilities. Lets just hope that it works well. You will see in the video thing like skateboarding, soccer, and even voice recognition games. It makes me quite excited to see this and thinking of the possibilities. I suck at talking so why don't I just let the video talk for itself.

Monday, June 1, 2009

E3 Goodies

So it is time again for E3. For those of you who don't know what that is, it stands for Electronic Entertainment Expo. It mainly revolves around video games whether it be PC, console, or handheld. It doesn't officially start until tomorrow but game developers tend to release press conferences the day before. Granted E3 has gone down hill ever since they stopped allowing the public in but I thought I would take a peek at some of the stories coming out of the press conferences.

The big hype going on is about the PSP Go. Basically a long overdue upgrade to the PlayStation Portable. I hope Sony has brought their game since they have been off the ball for about a year or so. Plus Nintendo is a powerhouse when it comes to the handheld market. But I really don't want to talk to much about this right now. Jeremy is more of a handheld guy and has a PSP so he would be better to talk about this.

I want to turn my attention to the Microsoft press conference. They talked about a few things like Rock Band Beatles and some upgrades to XBox live such as instant tv shows and movies as well as access to Twitter and Facebook from your console. But what I am looking forward to the most is the sequel to the best zombie apocalypse survivor game ever, Left 4 Dead. Jeremy and I are both quite excited for Left 4 Dead 2 which is scheduled to launch November 17. Not only did they announce L4D2 today but they also released a trailer. Already the graphics look better, the story looks fun plus new weapons like axes, baseball bats, and chainsaws! The way I see it, the zombie apocalypse is bound to happen someday so why not start training.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The War Continues

So the Apple vs. Microsoft war continues with Microsoft's announcement of the Zune HD. The iPod Touch competitor was announced yesterday with mixed reviews. I was intrigued by the HD attachment on the Zune title. So I decided to take a closer look into. My first thought was an HD screen... nope. Granted you will be able to view HD content from the Zune but only when it is connected to an external HD monitor or television. Hmmm, not too exciting to me since I have Directv with HD and a Blu-Ray player. The screen itself on the player is a mere 480 x 272 resolution OLED display.

So that can't quite possibly be the only reason they added the HD to the name. Apparently it also has a built in FM HD receiver so you can listen to HD radio. Anyone who is techie enough to go out and buy a Zune HD is not going to listen to HD radio on it. Frankly radio is on its way out with its commercial ridden programing especially when there are so many music players out there as well as XM and Sirius satellite radio. Well thats strike two in my book.

Now granted I haven't had the chance to actually play with one yet. So I can't really say whether it will be a good tech toy or not. They have a steep hill to climb to compete with the iPod Touch since Apple has there nice little patent on the touch screen technology. I still have not found any touch screen device and OS that works as smoothly as the iPod Touch and iPhone. So from preliminary research all I can say is that it at least looks sharp.
All in all we will have to wait and see. My money is on Apple continuing its domination. I was told by Jeremy not to blog about this since he didn't want to start a whole Apple vs. Microsoft debate with fans of the site... to bad :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Episode Four!

Well since it is Monday I have uploaded episode 4! This is a special episode since it tells the history of Action Abe. Hope you enjoy and let us know what you think.

So even though I am a techno geek I still do enjoy the outdoors. I went fishing with my father and brother in law up here in upstate NY. Of course it was the coldest day of the weekend but what can you do. I did happen to catch a nice Pickerel.

But of course the fish won and ended back up in the water. That might have something to do with me being allergic to fish so I can't eat him anyway. I know this is probably a boring post except for those out there who enjoy fishing. I am hoping Jeremy post soon about his weekend movie watching of Night at the Museum II and Terminator Salvation. I will try to find something entertaining to post later on.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What A Treat... What A Tasty Little Treat

We have a treat for you all. We know that a week in between episodes is very long especially when you are still figuring out the story line. So in order to keep everyone from bringing out the torches and pitch forks we have created Backspace Singularities!

Basically it is a short "funny pages" like comic strip aside from the main volume currently going on. You can find these on the comics page under the Volume One comics. The first singularity is in response to the newly released Punch Out for the Wii. I am sure Jeremy will talk more about this later since he is the NES Punch Out freak.

Speaking of new games based on the classics, I want to mention that the Capcom classic Bionic Commando has been updated and is out in the public. Hopefully one of these days I will be able to check it out and let you know how it is. All this talk about games is getting me pumped up for game night tonight! Will it be NHL '09 tonight? Or maybe Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Maybe even Left 4 Dead. Oh the possibilities!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More Than Meets The Eye

Well it is destined to happen so why not now. Hi, my name is Casey and I am a transformers fan. When I say fan I mean I own all the original 1980's episodes on DVD, a toy collection of about 70 figures (still growing), and if I had my way about it I would have transformers bed sheets. So you can imagine how excited I was when the first live action movie was released. Now some trans fans will say I am not a fan if I liked the movie. Well they can all go suck an egg cause I loved it. Granted it's no original Generation 1 story or characters but so what. They created a new series like many others have done with cartoon series. I went into the theater expecting nothing and came out very pleased.

The reason why I bring this up is because all the tv spots have been coming out and I have found them online as well and decided to share.

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen "It's On.." from Bay Films/Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.

These are the three most recent TV spots. I hope you enjoy, I know I did. Transform and roll out!

On a side note we are interested to know what you think about the site so far. Send us an email through the contact page and let us know what you like about Backspace. As mentioned by Jeremy before, we are planning a contest with a fun prize so keep checking back. We will make an announcement when the contest begins.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Episode Three!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Episode Three is online! It has been made final that the new comic will be released every Monday. What a better way to start off your week.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons because, to them, you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Apple Vs. The World?

Well here is something interesting, Jen (wifey) was looking on yahoo this morning and stumbled on this video. Apparently the rumor mills are buzzing about the new iPhones coming later this year being big competitors in the handheld gaming market, this being backed up by a google news report about a code name "Charlie" iPhone project.

We already know about game developers such as EA have given support to apple by making games compatible for bot PC and Apple but now the video above suggests that there might be a possible purchase of EA by Apple and even more so a possible gaming console by apple. Does this surprise me? NOPE! Apple has already taken over the smart phone market, trying to break into home entertainment with the Apple TV, so why not the gaming industry. I am not saying that I am backing the idea of an Apple console.

it all depends on the game library. Hence the reason why I am not running out to buy a PS3, just not enough games I would want to play on such an expensive console with a weak online gaming community.

Just thought this would be an interesting post for those in the gaming community. It's the first I have heard the console rumor and in fact that is all it could be... a rumor. But who knows, Apple is always full of surprises. If anyone else has heard any rumors about Apple taking on the gaming industry let me know.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

No Spoilers

Well I just got back from Albany where the wifey and I went to the IMAX theater to see the new Star Trek Movie. First of all I want to say that I am fan but I wouldn't go as far as saying I am a Treker. For any of you who are Trekers you have to at least give me credit for calling you by the proper name. I am been reprimanded in the past for calling die hard fans Trekies where in fact I was told the proper term is Treker. Over all I am a casual fan, nothing like my infatuation for Transformers but a fan none the less. We will talk Transformers another time.

The wifey gave it two thumbs up. She has seen a few of the older movies in the past but really has no knowledge of the story. So they made the movie so anyone can enjoy it. Not only that but they made it very acceptable for those who do know the story. Don't worry I am not going to give anything away. I really just want to say that I went into the movie and witnessed a story line not expected at all that made the film great! You will be surprised... good surprised. Not to mention that the casting couldn't have been better.I could watch another 5 movies with this cast. Plus the special effects were phenomenal!

Speaking of special effects a movie like this needs to be seen in IMAX. I haven't seen a movie in IMAX since Matrix Reloaded and there has been some vast improvements. Put it this way, digital picture and sound on a screen that has more square footage then my house and thats a fact. If you have one near you should really go. There is a price mark up but it was well worth it.

After the movie we went and visited the apple store. You will soon learn that I am a big Apple fanatic. in fact I am waiting for my current contract to end so I can get an iPhone unless rumors are true and the iPhone is coming to Verizon. Back to the apple store, I went around to every computer and iPhone and put Backspace up for people to view. I know shameless marketing but we need to get the word out. Here is a cell pic from an iphone with episode 2 on it.

Well thats all for now, gotta go crash for the evening but before I go I just wanted to say that the t-shirt that my character wears (which you will see in episode 7) is in the store now. By the way the link that says "MERCH" stands for merchandise. Go check it out.

"Captain, I'm giving you all she's got!"

Ha! I bet you thought I was going to say live long and prosper. Well technically I just did but you know what I mean.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Episode Two!

Since it is the first week and we want to grab everyones attention we have decided to post episode two! It is up on the "comics" page. I hope you enjoy the special guest appearance in this one especially since Star Trek is out in theaters. Speaking of which I am going out to see that in IMAX on Saturday. Jeremy has already seen it so he should comment about it soon. I will let you know what I think after I see it but for now enjoy episode two!


How it all started

It started with two guys watching bad sci-fi movies till 3am, flipping channels between Spike TV and the History Channel and conversations about what medieval spaceships would look like……and you have Backspace. And I never thought that the random, goofy ideas put together by Jeremy, Casey and myself would drawn out in a weekly web comic. After a lot of technical problems (one including voiceovers that sounded like they were recorded in a men’s room) we faced on the Backspace flash animation project, I thought this would be an idea that would be left for dead. Until Jeremy proposed that we just make it into a comic strip, and I said, “Yeah, we can do that.” So I started on character designs, (which weren’t that difficult seeing that they were just exaggerated versions of ourselves) and Jeremy revised the scripts into a comic strip friendly format. Within a matter of weeks we had our characters drawn and colored thanks to Casey’s quick coloring skills, and then it seemed like within another week we had our first “strip” done.

For the last month I have had the pleasure of drawing Abe Lincoln kicking the crap out of ninjas, and I’ve enjoyed the reaction I get from people who pass by me on the MAX (Portland’s light rail train system, for those who don’t know what it is) and say, “is that Abe Lincoln with a shotgun?” Yes it is, and the best is yet to come. This ship has set sail, sink or swim, and we thank all our friends and future readers for checking out our site and giving us your support!

Currently I’m drawing out a wallpaper and a new t-shirt (be sure to take a peek at the Action Abe shirts!) and every now and then I’ll be drawing out what Jeremy and I will refer to as “Backspace Shorts,” which will be ideas we really couldn’t place in a script and were funny by themselves. Or they will be one of my random drawings that I find funny in my warped, disturbed mind.

I’ll end this blog with a shout out to Nate Piekos at, who at which has helped us out with our comic fonts. So thank you Nate, thank very much! You can check out Nate’s site (as well as his wonderful comic strip call “Atland.”) by going to our “Friends of Backspace” section.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Has it been that long?

So I have found a good example of why we are so excited that we have finally launched Backspace. I was looking through picture files on my computer for something unrelated and I stumbled across a random image. When I say random I mean Star Wars Trivial Pursuit what was the name of the actor who played the storm trooper standing next to the third Ewok from the left random question random. The picture is of the original character designs for Jeremy Kyle and I. I looked at the date in question of when this image was created and it is dated 4/30/07 which means we have been working on this for over two years that we have a record of. The process actually started long before then but so far this is the only documentation. So here is a glimpse of what the original characters looked like.

As you can see there has been some modifications to the characters. I got fatter, Kyle got glasses and darker hair, and Jeremy no longer has a porcupine head. Overall I think there were some good improvements. Got to say great work by Kyle with the illustrations of the characters. Well I will shove off for now, is everyone in suspense for the next comic episode due next Tuesday? I hope so! Leave us some comments either on here or by contacting us via the contact page. We also have a Facebook page that you can see here.


Quick RSS Update

Hi folks, thanks for being patient with the few glitches we may have with the site. I have updated the RSS feed so if you have the old feed you will need to delete it and use the new one. If you haven't gotten the RSS feed yet then... DO IT before a pack of samurai pigs attack you in your sleep. Just kidding... or am I?


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Not even 24 hours in and I have put up some updates including an RSS feed that can be found here. Also we have a shirt design based on Action Abe from the comic in our store which you can find here. So I will just leave you with one final thing for the first day of Backspace... cantaloupe. Thats right, cantaloupe.


Monday, May 4, 2009


So here I am in the development of the Backspace website. Jeremy and Kyle will shortly follow with their posts after the site has launched which we hope is this week. I just have a couple more items to iron out on the site. Truly I am only writing this post to test the blog page and make sure my iframe tags are working properly. So until the funny guys get posting I will sign off.
